✨即減$300✨布力般流浪英超冠軍30週年紀念球衣 ❗無需優惠碼,加入購物車自動扣減❗



Macron Bologna 博諾尼亞 2024-25 主場球員版球衣 (附臂章選項)




非現貨,預訂約3-4星期到港,敬請留意 傳統與創新在2024/25的博洛尼亞FC 1909主場球衣中繼續交織。這款球衣以經典的紅藍色為特色,並配有黃色細節,為設計增添一抹對比色。圓領衣領內部參考了百年紀念(1925 - 2025),背部則有熱印的 "WEAREONE" 字樣。由環保面料混紡製成,確保了清涼和持久的透氣性,展現出對環境的高度尊重。穿上你的球隊顏色,準備迎接激動人心的挑戰。 ~球隊隊徽 ~胸前、衣袖及背後贊助商標 ~呎碼偏修身,建議預大一碼 ~可加印意甲章 (另外下單 https://bit.ly/3P1m9uN) 70003187 款式一覽 https://goal4u.store/t/Bologna Style meets tradition in the Bologna Football Club 1909 home shirt for the 2023/24 season. The pattern offers the classic red and blue vertical stripes, characterized by the embossed club logo on the front and sleeves. The motto 'WE ARE ONE' stands out in hot stamping on the back of the neck and the club logo is embossed, as in the other parts of the garment. The V-neck knit polo collar gives the shirt a vintage feel. The inserts in eco mesh, on the other hand, guarantee maximum breathability. Wear your team's colors and support it with pride! ⚠<注意事項>⚠ - 由於每部電子產品顯示器不同,均存在色差問題,如果對顏色比較在意,請謹慎選購 - 如訂單內包含預訂產品,訂單將於所有貨品到齊後一併發貨 - 除有預訂提示的貨品外,所有貨品均有現貨。確認款項後,1至3工作天內會發貨 - 有預訂提示的貨品,確認款項後,需大約3-4星期訂購到港(Pre-Order預訂產品除外)(以當時購買所顯示預購日子為準) ,如遇上缺貨,將退還已付訂金 - 運送路途遙遠,產品包裝或未處於完美狀態,本店將盡力確保產品完好方會發貨
