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"原價$538" F1 Alfa Romeo 愛快車隊 2023 Valtteri Bottas Team Cap



非現貨,預訂約4星期到港,敬請留意 推介全新 Valtteri Bottas 特別版帽,絕對是 Alfa Romeo F1 車隊粉絲必備的款式。這款正式授權的產品,設計風格展現了芬蘭車手 Valtteri Bottas 的速度、風格和技巧。帽身由六段式黑色設計,搭配彎曲帽檐和可調節的魔術貼封口,不僅時尚而且舒適。 帽子採用全新的 2023 年度車隊標誌,橡膠徽章設計於前方突出顯示。醒目的紅色 VB 徽標採用散熱器設計,突顯車手獨有風格。Valtteri Bottas 的車手編號 77 則刺繡於側邊,為帽子添加了個人化元素。 帽檐底部的 VB 徽標全面印刷圖案,使帽子更具獨特風格,脫穎而出。高質量的材料保證帽子耐用持久,適合穿著參加比賽、活動,或只是日常穿搭的一部分。 這款特別版帽適合各種頭圍大小,是您收藏中不可缺少的單品。無論您是 Valterri Bottas 的鐵粉、Alfa Romeo F1 車隊的支持者,還是喜愛賽車運動的愛好者,這款帽子都是您的必備之選。立即訂購您的 Valtteri Bottas 特別版帽,為這位最有才華的車手之一加油打氣吧! ~正式授權產品 ~全新 2023 年度車隊標誌 ~彎曲帽檐 ~可調節的魔術貼封口 ~散熱器設計的紅色 VB 徽標 ~3D 競賽橡膠印刷 ~適合各種頭圍大小 ~材質:95% 滌綸 / 5% 彈性纖維 款式一覽 https://goal4u.store/t/AlfaRomeo?cat=all Introducing the Valtteri Bottas Special Edition cap, a must-have for any fan of the Alfa Romeo F1 Team. This officially licensed product is designed to reflect the speed, style, and skill of the Finnish driver, Valtteri Bottas. With its six segment black design, curved brim, and adjustable velcro closure, this cap is not only stylish but also comfortable to wear. The cap features the new team logo for 2023, designed as a rubberized badge on the front. The eye-catching red VB logo, in grille design, is prominently displayed on the front of the cap, emphasizing the driver's signature style. Valtteri's driver number, 77, is embroidered on the side, adding a personalized touch to the cap. The all-over print pattern of the VB logo on the bottom of the brim adds a unique touch to the cap, making it stand out from the crowd. The high-quality materials used in the construction of this cap ensure that it is durable and long-lasting, perfect for wearing to races, events, or simply as part of your everyday look. This Special Edition cap is available in one size, making it a perfect fit for any head size. Whether you're a die-hard Valtteri Bottas fan, a Alfa Romeo F1 Team supporter, or simply a lover of motorsports, this cap is a must-have addition to your collection. Order your Valtteri Bottas Special Edition cap today and show your support for one of the most talented drivers on the grid! Official licensed product New team logo 2023 Curved brim Adjustable velcro closure Rastered VB logo in red 3D Race Rubber Print One size Material: 95% Polyester / 5% Elastan ⚠<注意事項>⚠ - 由於每部電子產品顯示器不同,均存在色差問題,如果對顏色比較在意,請謹慎選購 - 如訂單內包含預訂產品,訂單將於所有貨品到齊後一併發貨 - 除有預訂提示的貨品外,所有貨品均有現貨。確認款項後,1至3工作天內會發貨 - 有預訂提示的貨品,確認款項後,需大約3-4星期訂購到港(Pre-Order預訂產品除外)(以當時購買所顯示預購日子為準) ,如遇上缺貨,將退還已付訂金 - 運送路途遙遠,產品包裝或未處於完美狀態,本店將盡力確保產品完好方會發貨
