✨即減$300✨布力般流浪英超冠軍30週年紀念球衣 ❗無需優惠碼,加入購物車自動扣減❗



"原價$798" F1 Scuderia Ferrari 法拉利車隊 2023 Team Polo (女裝)




非現貨,預訂約3-4星期到港,敬請留意 ~車隊標誌 ~贊助標誌,如SHELL, PIRELLI ~紅色主色配以黑色肩膀位置 款式一覽 https://goal4u.store/t/Ferrari?cat=all The official 2023 ladies' Ferrari team polo features the powerful Ferrari 'Scudetto' logo on the chest with an updated "Rosso Corsa" red and black design leaving fellow fans in no doubt as to your tifosi allegiance. The authentic PUMA x Scuderia 2023 Ferrari women's team polo shirt has a button placket and is made from 100% cotton, with all the 2023 Scuderia Ferrari partner logos as seen on Ferrari F1 cars and team outfits, including Shell and Pirelli. Material: 100% Cotton Ferrari Team and partner logos on front & back Stripe detail on body Ribbed collar Essere Ferrari roughly translates as 'being Ferrari' and wherever the Ferrari Formula 1 team go the famous tifosi follow, adorned in Ferrari merchandise and carrying an enthusiasm and passion to rival any team. This official PUMA x Scuderia Ferrari Women's 2023 Team Polo is designed and produced by PUMA in partnership with Scuderia Ferrari and is part of the official 2023 Ferrari F1 Team Women's merchandise collection ⚠<注意事項>⚠ - 由於每部電子產品顯示器不同,均存在色差問題,如果對顏色比較在意,請謹慎選購 - 如訂單內包含預訂產品,訂單將於所有貨品到齊後一併發貨 - 除有預訂提示的貨品外,所有貨品均有現貨。確認款項後,1至3工作天內會發貨 - 有預訂提示的貨品,確認款項後,需大約3-4星期訂購到港(Pre-Order預訂產品除外)(以當時購買所顯示預購日子為準) ,如遇上缺貨,將退還已付訂金 - 運送路途遙遠,產品包裝或未處於完美狀態,本店將盡力確保產品完好方會發貨
