Tomica 神戶勝利船x山陽巴士模型



非現貨,預訂約3-4星期到港日期(或會延誤),一經訂購,不得取消,敬請留意 ~仿照真正山陽巴士製作 ~車上多處印上VISSEL KOBE及隊徽 ~附有車身貼紙 ~附原盒包裝 ~限售3台 Approx. H30 x W75 x D20mm 本体:約高さ3.0㎝×縦2.0㎝×横7.5㎝ 素材:亜鉛合金・ABS・MABS・PS 款式一覽 The long-awaited second collaboration! We sell VISSEL KOBE wrapping bus Tomica. Sanyo Bus's Vissel Kobe Design Wrapping Bus , which is supported by Sanyo Bus, a group company of Sanyo Electric Railway, an official gold sponsor, on a daily basis for people in the Kobe area ! The side part is Tomica that faithfully reproduces the details of the cityscape and emblem of Kobe and the club identity "KOBE FOREVER FORWARD" ⚠<注意事項>⚠ - 由於每部電子產品顯示器不同,均存在色差問題,如果對顏色比較在意,請謹慎選購 - 如訂單內包含預訂產品,訂單將於所有貨品到齊後一併發貨 - 除有預訂提示的貨品外,所有貨品均有現貨。確認款項後,1至3工作天內會發貨 - 有預訂提示的貨品,確認款項後,需大約3-4星期訂購到港(Pre-Order預訂產品除外)(以當時購買所顯示預購日子為準) ,如遇上缺貨,將退還已付訂金 - 運送路途遙遠,產品包裝或未處於完美狀態,本店將盡力確保產品完好方會發貨
